Sophie Laplante
My drawings come as dreams come, from deep within my existence, needing to be sent out. A message to myself perhaps. Yes.
They evolve as my life does.
Nothing of what I draw is premeditated. This process is sacred. When I sit with my coffee and start, my mind goes blank and my heart patiently feeds my hand.
I define myself as self-taught, an art school drop-out. My other diplomas, Fashion Design and Culture Communication, simply helped shape the person I am now.
I presently work in a kitchen part-time with beautiful humans. The rest of my time is dedicated to my son, my art practice and sleep.
artist statement
My art practice is no art practice, it is simply a self care routine. This practice is more so my life itself, me in the world, my reflections, relationships, mistakes, from the standpoint of an incredibly sensitive human being. Life, for me, is a daily struggle, and I’ve made peace with this, because it is such for many humans. The drawings that are born from this self care routine tell the stories of my frustrations… my incapacity to fully embrace all the spheres of life; the walls I face as a highly feeling soul, cast with depression, and my sore integration into the social world of work and parenthood. Work is a major issue for me, having trouble with energy levels and the contrast of moral values in a capitalist system. I re-question most everything, honour my intuition and attempt to make the humans I encounter, feel good around me.
This is what you find in my drawings.